OpenBuildings™ Station Designer Help

To conduct an IFC Export

  1. Select File > Export > Exchange File Types > IFC (*.IFC) or Key In: IFCOUT.

    The IFC Export dialog opens.

  2. Open the Author tab, and complete IFC Author and Organization information. Add comments as necessary.
  3. On the Output tab do the following:
    1. Choose Model View Definition (MVD) as IF2x3 Facility Management Handover (COBie) from the drop down menu.

      The message field in the bottom of the dialog displays message if the IFC 2x3 dataset extension is not part of the project’s workset, and information is given on how to add it.

    2. When this setting is on, the Create COBie Spreadsheet setting is enabled.

      A message displays in the status bar message field if the FM Handover/COBie dataset extension is not part of the project’s workset, and information is given on how to add it.

  4. If FM Handover MVD is selected, check the Output Options as required.
    • Turn on Create COBie Spreadsheet if you want to create a COBie spreadsheet.
      • Turn on Open COBie Spreadsheet to open the COBie spreadsheet once it has been created.
  5. (Optional) Turn on Optimize IFC File to compress the IFC file upon exporting. Similarly, turn on Zip IFC File to zip the IFC file once it has been created.
  6. If necessary, click the Map button to open the Map DataGroup Types and Properties to IFC dialog, where mapping to corresponding IFC entities are done.
    Note: If FM Handover MVD is selected, configuration variables in IFC_COBieFilter.set (located in the dataset's setting folder) are used for IFC export:
    EXCLUDE_DOMAIN List of types and components excluded from IFC export.
    ALLOW_PROPERTY_SET List of property sets, or prefixes of property sets, exported to the Attribute tab (default: Pset_, ePset_, AirHandling, AirDistribution, Door, Furniture, ObjectPostalAddress, Plumbing, Properties, Pumps, Space, Specialty_Safty, VAV, Window).

    Names of custom property definition files, that should be exported, need to be added to the list.

    PREFERRED_CLASSIFICATION Preferred classification system (default: Omniclass).
    ONLY_ONE_CLASSIFICATION If specified, only the preferred classification system is exported.
    SYSTEMS Exports using the System IDs instead of property/display name.
    If IFC4 Reference View MVD is selected, configuration variables in IFC_RV4Filter.set (located in the dataset's setting folder) are used for IFC export:
    EXCLUDE_DOMAIN List of types and components excluded from IFC export (e.g. IfcAdvancedFace, IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel, IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel, IfcRelSpaceBoundary etc.)
    SYSTEMS Exports using the System, Circuit IDs, instead of property /display name.